Wednesday, May 7, 2008

End of the Year

Wow, that went by pretty quickly. I am already done with one year of college, and it just seems like yesterday that I was a little kid enjoying the fruits of life. It took me longer than usual to decide on where I was going to be attending school this year. Most of my friends had already decided and chosen classes for college. Here I was though, end of high school and not a clue. Golf was a big reason for this. At the end of high school, I was still trying to find someplace to play in college. I had explored a couple options, but nothing had seriously materialized yet. Finally, after searching, and a lot of thinking, I choose to attend GateWay Community College. It was a great relief to me. I could finally stop worrying about my future, at least for two years. The only reason that I choose to attend GateWay was to golf. If I wasn't golfing, I would be at some university studying, most likely ASU.

I am glad that I choose to come to GateWay though. I would do it again 100 times over. I was able meet new friends and continue to play the game of golf competitively in one of the hardest divisions in the country. I went through some struggles with my game this year, but they are only going to make me better and more focused for next year. I was disappointed in the way I played this year, mainly that I did not play in more tournaments. That was almost a blessing in disguise though. I was able to discover cracks in my game and problems that needed to be fixed. It will most certainly make me stronger for next year.

Now onto academics. Going to a community college helped me with the transition into college. I know that I would have been able to handle a university workload without a problem, but combining golf with college was tough at times. Golfs eats up a ton of free time and made it tough for some of my classes. I am very pleased with how my grades turned out for my first year too. Last semester I only got 1 B, and I should get straight A's this semester. Now if I could only figure out what I want to major in...

This has been a great year in my life, but I am ready for summer to begin so I can get ready for the next golf season!